Monday, October 12, 2009


Jupiter has been under Retrograde since 16th June 2009. This period of Retrograde can be described as four months of journey into the alignment of our integrity with our Soul’s Purpose. A long drawn desire which might be unfruitful for years could have come into focus to get materialized in these four months period.

We might have been working hard and waiting to see the results of our actions. We all were into understanding the reflections of our beliefs and values in these four months.

We need to reschedule ourselves from 13th October as Jupiter is turning direct in Capricorn. We might be experiencing unexpected events turning in our life and making our intuitions and goals intact. Some new Job opportunities may be round the corner for people who are putting efforts in the Professional arena.

We might be looking at our inherent strengths and trying to utilize our strengths by focusing on the right plane. A thorough understanding of our past events could have been going on with an idea of making our future bright. Most of the things that are happening around us as well as in the Global arena will have a reality check after Jupiter ends his Retrograde and turns direct.  There could be some significant changes in the Political and Economical arena.

Of course our energy levels could have dried up to some extent but did we really use our energy levels in the right arena in the past four months. The actual results of our hard efforts can be seen after 13th October. If we have worked out our energy levels to expand our wisdom, virtues, spiritual learning then sure the Planet Jupiter is going to give us fruitful results in the coming future.

Finally if there is a good alignment of our actions and thoughts to fulfill our desires and learning then we are going to enter into a bright future along with Jupiter's Journey into Aquarius.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this astrological update about the jupiter.It seems you have proficient in the astrological work.

