Monday, September 7, 2009


"Om shri Shanaischaraya Namah"
"Neelamjana Samabhasam Ravi putram yamagrajam chaayamartanda Sambhutam Tam namami Shanaischaram"

Saturn is the second largest  and slowest moving planet in the Solar System.  Saturn changes its sign once in every 2.5 years. Saturn is the signifier of our action the present as well as the past.  Saturn decides the fructification of our karmas.  We are bounded to our karmic actions and we need to undergo good and bad results of  our karmic actions.  A favourable Shani in a horoscope can give wealth, fame, high position in the Society at the same time an unfavourable Shani gives miseries, sorrow, deep depression, series of failures in life.  Saturn is the lord of Karma Bhava, Labha Bhava of the  Birth Chart.  The lordship of Saturn in the Birth  Chart denotes that  our good karma will fructify into good gains.  Hence Saturn favours hard workers, those who perform good deeds, disciplined, organised and also those people who are highly  responsible and service oriented.  He punishes those people who perform bad deeds, indisciplined and those who don't respect their elders.

Sade Sati(In Andhra Pradesh it is known as Elinati Shani) is a period of 7.5 years.  Sade Sati starts with the transit of Saturn into twelth house from the Moon sign and continues till Saturn transit  into third house from the Moon sign. In Sade Sati period Saturn transit into twelth house is called as first phase of Sade Sati, first house or Janma rashi transit is called as second phase or middle phase, second house transit is called as third phase or last phase of Sade Sati.  For example if a person was born in Leo Moon Sign his Sade Sati starts with Saturn transit into Cancer and continues till Saturn transit into Libra .  Saturn transit into Cancer is called as first phase of Sade Sati, Saturn transit into Leo(Janma Rashi) is called as middle or Acute Phase of Sade Sati, Saturn transit into Virgo is called as third Phase or Final Phase of Sade Sati.  Normaly an individual could experience only three cycles of Sade Sati in his life time.    The First cycle is highly intensified and there would be obstacles and hardships in what ever we do.  This period also troubles the parents of the native who suffers from it.  Second cycle of Sade Sati  is less intensified compared to First Cycle.  In this period the native succeed through hardships and labour, the progress of the individual continues after overcoming various obstacles.  But there could be loss of parents and other family members who are elder in the family.
Third cycle of Sade Sati is extremely harshful and shows very high intensity.  The native may face serious illness, fear of death, physical hardships in this period.  Very few people survive during this time.

Here one question certainly comes into our mind will all people have the same effect if they have the same Moon Sign.  Certainly not the reason is to understand the effects of Sade Sati on individual basis we need to analyse the horoscope for the Placement and Lordship of Saturn along with Moon.  A much deeper analysis into the degrees of Saturn and Moon will reveal us the time of intensified action of Saturn more accurately. 
Another important thing to note here is if the lord of the moon sign is friendly to Saturn the effects are some what less intensified.  Every one will face hardships but the results of the actions can turn beneficial for those signs that are friendly to Lord Shani.  How ever maximum number of people who experience Sade Sati will come out with good wealth after the end of Sade Sati.

In the first year of Sade sati effect of Saturn is on the Face and the native may experience danger, pressure, expensive journeys. Second year of Sade Sati shows effect on right Shoulder. Monetary gains, relief is expected.Third year of Sade Sati shows effect on Feet, there will be an experience of depression, disharmony in life. Fourth year of Sade Sati shows effect on Chest, Heart, respect, prestige, monetary gains, stability in actions. Fifth year of Sade Sati shows effect on left shoulder, disease,depression, unhappiness, instability,humiliation. Sixth year of Sade Sati shows effect on Head,happiness,lottery chances, Speculation, Profits. Seventh year of Sade Sati shows effect on eyes, respect, happiness, prestige. The final six months of Sade Sati effects are like difficulties, sorrow, danger to body, unhappiness.

 Out of all these 7.5 years acute period is 2.5 years only.  This is the middle phase of Sade Sati.  Very few people in this world come out of this phase without any difficulties.  In this particular period people will experience loss of some one in the family, financial troubles, career troubles, relationship troubles, strong opposition to what ever they do, ill luck striking every time when they venture into something new either in job or business, differences in the family, problems with children, health problems, depression, loss of confidence, loss of energy, insomnia, gastric troubles, miserable changes, unfortunate chances, unfructifying actions, inability to move with proper vision, darkness looming around, blockade in the thinking process, mental instability, unnatural tendencies, unstable mind, irreparable losses, series of bad incidents striking the individual.  Once this acute phase of Janma Shani is over there will be great mental relief but still some hardships are required as the native enters into the last phase of 2.5 years of Sade Sati. 

"Om Shri Shanaischaraya Namah"


  1. I am a libran and my Shani Dasha is about to begin, what will happen in this case? Saturn is exalted and retrograde and in 4th house along with moon. I am into Sade Sati now as well.

  2. Your Ascendant is Cancer. Saturn is malefic for Cancer Ascendant and Yoga Karaka for Libra moon sign so you will not experience much of its intensity. But shani in libra along with moon could create trouble. You need to take care of your health aspect when Saturn transits into Libra as Saturn is under Retrograde i.e. 2012

  3. congrats for ur writings ! I am thrilled to see the clarity of expression. best wishes

  4. hi i was born on 29th october 1957, in calcutta at 0242 hrs -- please adv me of my stage of sade sati and remedies if any

  5. Hi Bharat, You need not worry about sade sati now so relax! But you will enter into sade sati in 2015.

  6. I was born on Dec. 23, 1970 Houston,TX 2:30pm. It is my understanding that I started Sade Sati at the end of September. I know that the placement of the planets in my chart can help with the effects of Sade Sati, how harsh will mine be? Will the placement of Jupiter help?

  7. Hi Lark,
    Sade Sati will help you financially but you will face hardships in your relationships. Jupiter can help you from 2015. You will have very good 2.5 years after 2015.

  8. hi Harihar ..

    just want to know if there is a relation between sunsigns (western) and moon signs that you are talking about ... how can we determine moon signs ...


  9. Hi Soni

    Western Astrology is based on Sun Signs where as Vedic Astrology is based on Moon Signs. Moon sign Astrology gives accurate predictions as it relies on the birth time and birth place of the individual unlike western Astrology. Moon Sign has to be determined by the Nakshatra placement of Moon in the Horoscope there by we can find out the zodiacal sign.

  10. Dear Harihar,

    I was born in Thunder Bay, Canada on May 19, 1975 at 5:48 am. Am I now entering the final stages of Sade Sati?



  11. my dob is 3rd aug 73 time 2325hrs place agra what wud be sade sati for me? please advice.

  12. Dear Ali,

    You are into final phase of Sade Sati from September 2009. You will have better period from June 2010. You excel from August 2011.

  13. Agra,

    You are into middle phase of Sade Sati, you will not see much of trouble from Sade Sati.

  14. Hi

    Great info. I am 09.04.1979 born, early morning 3.15. pls can u tell me in which phase od sade sati i am and since when can i expect easy life. Try now, i feel what ever i try, i get with lots and lots of effort and frustration.


  15. Hi pinki,

    You need to provide your place of birth which is essential.

  16. Hi

    I am born in Belgaum, Karnataka


  17. Hi Pinki,

    You are into last phase of Sade Sati. You also have Kalsarp Yog so difficulties in the early part of life. Good relief due to Saturn transit into Virgo. Things could turn better from March 2010 and some more improvement is from may 2010.

  18. Hi Harihar,

    Im born 6.9.72 - 15.20pm, im simha raasi and in the last 2.5 yrs i presume, suffered the worst particularly last 2.5 yrs, didnt beg that was all, but went to the lowest rung with jobless and health prob,family rifts etc, im just begining to breathe but three accidents in the last 1 mth(minor ) 1 severe, will the last phase also be terrible

  19. Hi Hari

    You need to provide your place of Birth which is essential.

  20. Sir,

    My place of Birth is cochin

  21. born on 2nd october 1975 female makha nakshatra-simha raasi in vijaywada, andhra pradesh. last phase of sade sati. can you tell me if 2010 will be good for investing in a business .i have had lot of suffering for the last 5 years.


  22. Dear Hari,

    Your birth time needs to be rectified. If the time given is perfect then you don't require it. However most of your difficulties are over with Saturn transit into Virgo. Improvement is seen from January 2010 then further improvement is visible from Jan 2011.

  23. Hi,

    Syamala please provide your time of birth to cast your horoscope. According to your Rashi next year will be better for you.

  24. hi harihar

    my birth time is 27 may 1985 09:20 pm jodhpur rajasthan.position of shani is in 12th house. sade sathi is affecting my career very strongly ,when i will get relief from it

  25. Hi,

    You will see betterment in your Career from December. Good change is indicated before the end of February.

  26. Thank you, can you please give your contact address. Are you in bangalore or kerala

  27. Hi Syamala,

    Your investments in Business will succeed in 2010. Future looks promising for you.

  28. hello harihar ,
    my dob is (Oct 31 ,1983)& time is 12:30 pm
    life has become unstable in respect of marriage life and career. please give me some suggestion ..

  29. Hi,
    You need to specify your place of birth.

  30. Anonymous said...
    hello harihar ,
    my dob is (Oct 31 ,1983)& time is 12:30 pm ahmedabad gujarat
    life has become unstable in respect of marriage life and career. please give me some suggestion ..

  31. dear sir ,
    my dob is Mar 25 ,1979 .(10:00am) ahmedabad Gujarat . iam trying to get stable economicaly but not able to succeed from last 5 years and when i'll get married

  32. Hi,

    Some improvement from Jan, significant changes are visible before the end of July. Positive things will happen in Career.

  33. Hi ahmd,

    Marriage by the end of May 2010. Very Good period May to October 2010.

  34. hi harihar

    my dob is 3 july 1983 time is 05:05 am and place jodhpur rajasthan. i have asked almost 16 to 17 astrologers regarding marriage time but no one's prediction is matching till now.
    i have all the requirements to start a good business or to indulge in a family business
    but not able to start till now .please predict the time for getting married and the time for involment in any business

    i am very hopeful to know your prediction !!!

  35. Hi,

    Your Marriage will happen between April to July 2010. Your business start up plans will succeed after marriage by the end of 2010. Try to be focussed and don't venture into too many things as such kind of inclinations are visible.

  36. hello harihar

    my details
    4:10pm 23july 1985

    from last 2.3 years i am searching for job but not able to make it .i have done enggineering but nothing fruitful is happening in my life ..
    i have purchased 3 three yellow saphires(pukhraj) but each of of them gets lost after a certain time. yellow saphire will be good for me or not

  37. Hi,

    Pukhraj is good for you. You should also wear a Red Coral along with Pukhraj. You are in the acute phase of Sade Sati so be defensive for the next couple of years.

  38. Hi

    I was born on 29 th july 1971,time 5.10 morning,place Deoria,uttar pradesh.I am kanya rashi and kataka lagna .I just had an auto accident my fault I completely blanked for a moment.Thankfully noone got hurt Please help me I am scared to drive again.

  39. Hi,

    You need to be careful till June 2010 while driving. Your Sade Sati is also running.

  40. my DOB is 27 may 1985 09:20 pm jodhpur rajasthan. I have asked this question to many one but could not get a clear answer!!!

    please tell me when i will be getting married and it will be love marriage or arange marriage . what type of spouse i will it average in personality or very good...


    my DOB is 27 may 1985 09:20 pm jodhpur rajasthan. I have asked this question to many one but could not get a clear answer!!!

    please tell me when i will be getting married and it will be love marriage or arange marriage . what type of spouse i will it average in personality or very good...

  42. my DOB is 27 may 1985 09:20 pm jodhpur rajasthan. I have asked this question to many one but could not get a clear answer!!!

    please tell me when i will be getting married and it will be love marriage or arange marriage . what type of spouse i will it average in personality or very good...

  43. My name is prakash. I am born on 06-July-1973 in Pune, India at 10:15 PM (22:15). I have been facing situations since 2 years, and dont have job since 1 year. Please let me know remedies. Will I get a job or I will do some business.

  44. Hi Harihar
    My DOB 20 Jan 1960 and my husband's DOB 18 Dec 1954. Both born in zimbabwe. We both have been going thru alot of marriage problems since over a year. Also his not happy at work.I have been fasting on saturdays and mondays doing maha mrutyujay japa and shiv abhishek as advised by priest. We are seperated now and I am not sure about the future.Pse help?!

  45. Hi,

    You need to provide place of birth which is essential to cast a horoscope.

  46. Hi Prakash,

    You are into middle phase of Sade Sati. You have pretty good chances of getting a Job by the end of Jan. You need to wear a Blue Sapphire and Emerald.

  47. Hi zimbabwe,

    Provide your time of birth

  48. Hi Jodhpur,

    You will get married next year by the end of September. Inter caste love marriage is visible. You will get a beautiful spouse but some cultural differences will be there.

  49. Hi

    My name is Ashish d.o.b 6/12/68
    p.o.b. is Patna Bihar
    T.O.B is 17.15 hrs

    I am living in USA can I get USA green card If yes till when?



  50. Hi Ashish,

    Coming future is good to get it. It will happen before June 2011.

  51. Hello Sir

    My son was born on 24/7/09,place of Birth

    Bangalore,time of birth - 12.35 pm

    What is my sons future like and what would

    be his education like and his suitable

    profession .

    Thanks and Regards


  52. Hi Kavita,

    Your son is blessed with very good planetary positions. Quick learner, good education. Will do well in research particularly related to Medicine, Designing.

  53. My daughters Date of birth 26/03/98
    place of birth Lucknow
    time of birth 12.35 pm

    she is good in studies what will be a good field of education for her

  54. I was born on 06-July-1973 Pune,India 22:15. Asper your previous answer you said I am in middle phase of Sade Sati. I know that the placement of the planets in my chart can help with the effects of Sade Sati, how harsh will mine be? Will the placement of Jupiter help?

  55. Hello Hariharji,

    My details =
    DOB 17th Nov. 1965 Time 20:50 Hrs. at Tasgaon (Dist Sangli) Maharashtra, India. Financial problem and instability for past one year. Shall I have success and good fortune in job or business? When ?


  56. DOB:27 may 1985
    09:20 pm JODHPUR
    I am not satisfied with my present life as i am facing economic problems from last 5 years.I have a case pending of paternal property>> this case will go in our favour or the option of compromise will come from opposite side. the economic graph of overall family has got stuck >>>>

  57. Hi Prakash,

    Saturn is your Lagnesh hence this phase will not harm you much but Saturn is afflicted in your chart. You need to wear a blue sapphire and Diamond. Jupiter will help for Career after December.

  58. Hi SP,

    Some improvement after March 2010. Good fortune after August 2013.

  59. DOB:27 may 1985
    09:20 pm JODHPUR
    I am not satisfied with my present life as i am facing financial problems from last 5 years.I have a case pending of paternal property>> this case will go in our favour or the option of compromise will come from opposite side. the financial graph of overall family has got stuck >>>>

  60. Hi Jodhpur,

    Good improvement of financial conditions from next year. Some amicable solution will happen on paternal property probably by February 2010. Over all next year will be pretty good for you.

    Don't put any other query again I will not answer this is already your second query. I am interested in only answering serious issues of people.

  61. Hi Harihar,

    DOB: 31/10/1983 12:30 p.m. Ahmedabad, Gujarat
    Can you brief regarding my marriage life? Also, I would like to know about my profession whether service forever or business after few years. Thanks in advance.

  62. place of birth bangalore

    date of birth 24/07/02

    time of birth 12.35 pm

    how is carrer going to be like field of education.


  63. Hi Harihar,

    DOB: 31/10/1983 12:30 p.m. Ahmedabad, Gujarat
    Can you brief regarding my marriage life? Also, I would like to know about my profession whether service forever or business after few years.

    Thanks in advance.

  64. Thank You Harihar. What are the benefits blue sapphire ? Where could i get it in Pune ? How should I wear it I mean any rituals ?

  65. I was born on 06-July-1973 Pune,India 22:15. Asper your previous answer you said I am in middle phase of Sade Sati and I have good job prospects after december.. Will I do business in my life ? Will I go abroad in service or will I work here in India ?

  66. hi harihar

    my husbands DOB is 25th May 1977 12:15PM. place: Bhilai

    he is going though a lot of hardships at work. will he be able to go abroad again? are there chances of him settleing abroad?

    worried wife

  67. Hi,

    Trouble is due to Sade Sati some change is going to happen after April 2010. Settlement in abroad is difficult.

  68. Hi.. zimbabwe here.

    I was born in Harare (salisbury) on 20 Jan 1960 at 11.24am wednesday. My husband born in Harare on 18 Dec 1954 at 10.15am saturday.
    Thanks. Hope this is adequate information

  69. Hi Zimbabwe,

    Both of you are in peak period of Sade Sati so disputes and problems at work place. Just show some patience and avoid arguments. Things will turn favourable.

    You also need to appease Rahu, Ketu by keeping a Kalsarp dosh nivaran yantra along with other pooja you are doing. Chant Saturn Mantra on a regular basis to reduce the intensity of problems.

  70. Hi Harihar

    Thanks a million for your reply. God Bless you. But I'm not certain about your 2nd paragraph.
    What is this Kalsarp dosh nivaran yantra and how do I go about getting it.
    I dont know much about Rahu and Ketu. Please would you kindly explain?
    Also to clarify - the Shani/Saturn Mantra I am reciting is Aum Sham Shanaishcharaya Namah. Previously my priest had advised us to complete 11 saturdays of fasting and reciting Aum Shanaishcharaya Namah around the peepal tree. I also recite the Hanuman Chalisa often. Being gujrati, some ways are different. My husband didnt have faith so gave up half way. So pse let me know what is correct.
    Will wearing a saphire ring help?
    Thanks again for your immediate response.

  71. Hi,

    As an alternative you can do remedies for Rahu,Ketu. Donate blankets, blue clothes,Coconut on a Saturday for Rahu. Donate black mustard seeds on a thursday for Ketu. You can go through my recent post on rahu ketu transit for a better understanding about rahu ketu. You can also go through post on Hymn to planets.

    Reciting Hanuman chalisa can work as good remedy for sade sati and you can also fast for 11 saturdays to pacify Saturn. For planetary stotra there is a separate post on this blog 'Hymn to planets' you can go through that.

    You can wear an Yellow Sapphire and Pearl, this combination is pretty good for you. Be positive and think for better future.

    Thanks for your blessings.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Hi Harihar,

    DOB: 31/10/1983 12:30 p.m. Ahmedabad, Gujarat
    Can you brief regarding my marriage life? Also, I would like to know about my professional life whether service forever or business after few years.

    Thanks in advance.

  73. Hi,

    Marriage after July 2010. Marital life will be fine no big trouble. Own Business seems to be a good possibility. You need to appease Planet "Sun" for a peaceful life.

  74. My husband's DOB 6Jan 1964 time 4.30 am. Place of birth Mangalore. Could u please tell the effects of sade sati? He is probably going t lose his job. will he find a better new job?

  75. Hi,

    Sade sati is coupled with bad transit of Rahu ketu so next couple of years will be difficult. New Job is a good possibility in by the end of Jan.

  76. Thank you very much for your prompt reply. My husband has been told to take 3 months leave and search for another employment. Will he get a good job? Or is it just a possibility? How difficult will his next 2 years be? Dob 6-1=1964 Mangalore, 4.30. am

  77. Dear Harihar - Zimbabwe here
    Thanks again for speedy reply. I delayed in getting back to you becos marriage is falling apart. He is rejecting me and family.I am shattered. A third person is in the way - what can I do?
    I can do all that you have mentioned but how do I get my husband to do same. Will my pooja & dedication to your above advice benefit both of us?
    For how long will these grahas affects us and when will things improve.
    The yellow sapphire and pearl should be worn as a ring (on which finger?) or necklace.
    Also pse could you help for my son - DOB 27/08/82, Friday 20.05pm, Harare,Zimbabwe. He is having difficulty finding a job. Will he go to the USA? What are the prospects for marriage.
    We are presently on contract and living in Johannesburg,South Africa.

  78. My son's DOB 1-6-1996. Mumbai 18.56 pm. Will he pursue higher studies?

  79. Hi Rao,

    A job opportunity should be visible by the end of december. Trouble in Health and Career.

  80. DoB: 30-11-1964 Time of Birth:3:55 am Place of Birth: Valsad, India Gender:male.
    VALSAD: Latitude: 020:38:N / Longitude: 072:56:E
    I have been pretty successful in career for last 20 years. However last month I got laid off from work. My performance and hard work are not being recognized and rewarded. Please let me know when my career will come back on the smooth path again, what is affecting my career right now ? when I’ll get the job?

  81. Hi Valsad,

    Good Horoscope. Difficult period was going on from Jan 2009 to Feb 2010. Change will happen from Febraury. Sade Sati is also running but not seriously harmful for you.

  82. Thank you so much for correct reply.


  83. Thank you for correct reply.

    Will i do business in my life or job.I'm in Canada for last 20 years.what are the gems good for me.I'd blue sappire already.
    Date of Birth: 30-11-1964
    Time of Birth:3:55 am
    Place of Birth:valsad, india
    VALSAD: Latitude: 020:38:N / Longitude: 072:56:E


  84. Hi Prashant,

    You can wear Emerald. You will do Job only. Business from 2022.

  85. Excellent! Thank you.
    Much appreciated.

  86. Date of Birth: 15-05-1967
    Time of Birth:10:30 pm
    Place of Birth:Mehlol,(Godhara)Guj,India
    22° 45' N 73° 40' E

    My name is Hiren, from Canada, Shall I have good fortune in Business (Catering) or Job? also how will be my financial condition in future?

    Thanks a lot.

  87. Hi Harihar,

    I am Anindita Banerjee.

    Here are my Birth Details------

    DOB - 02.06.1979
    Time - 6.38 PM
    Place - Kolkata
    Day - Saturday

    I am Simha Rashi.I am going through Sanir sade Sati.

    I will be highly oblized if you answer me few questions. Here are the queries-----

    1.I am 30 years old.As I am going through Sanir Sade Sati phase can u pls advice which time will be better to marry?

    2. I am facing problem in my career life also.
    When it will improve?

    3.I am in fear whether I have to lose my parents in this Sani Sade sati dasa?

    With that please provide me the remidies.

    Thanks a lot.


  88. Hi Hiren,

    Job is good for you,financial condition will be better next year.

  89. Hi Anindita,

    Majority of your trouble due to Sade Sati is over. Marriage after December 2010. No serious trouble for parents.

    You need to Wear Red Coral and Pearl.

  90. Hi!
    I want to know if a 16 year old or 18 year old has sade sati in his horoscope will it affect his SSC [ 10th std] and HSC[12th std studies and give himbad results in his exams??

  91. Hi Harihar,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

    Can you please tell me when my sani sare sati will be over?

    With that please suggest which month of 2011 will be good to marry?

    Please le me know in which finger of which hand I should wear Red Coral & Pearl and of how much rati?

    Thanking you again.


  92. Hi this is PRASHANT from Canada again.

    Can I go back to my prevoius job at Bank?


  93. Hi Harihar,

    Thank you very much for the prediction.

    please let me know which month of 2011 will be ideal time to marry?

    With that please suggest what will be the color of Pearl and in which finger of which hand I would wear Red Coral & Pearl?

    When my Sanir Sare sati will be over?

    Thank you again.

    Thanking you.


  94. Hi !
    Do you provide paid services? How do we pay and can you answer questions on future?


  95. Date of Birth: 22-12-1978
    Time of Birth: 00.21 AM
    Place of Birth: Beed , Maharashtra, India
    Gender: Female

    Hi Sir,

    Shall I have good fortune in Business (Catering) or Job? also how will be my financial condition in future?
    Kindly please give me reply.

  96. Hi,

    My DOB 30th Jan 1984 2.55 AM born in Tirupathi. My husband's DOB 24Jan 1981 time 7.15pm. Place of birth Tiruthani. Although I am blessed with a good husband is going through tough time finding new job from past one year although he is having part-time jobs.I think he is in sade sati phase right now. When is his time going to change? Any remedies to do?

  97. hi harihar
    my dob is 21/01/1984 13:15 at amravati(maharashtra),i want to know will and when i get married.We had got a proposal for marriage.But as both of us are going through sade sati phase, will it be proper to get married. boy's dob is 04/10/1980 23:40 mumbai .Please it's really urgent for me.Can u be available online.

  98. Hello Sir,

    My DOB is Jan 6 1981 1:30AM born in Mahaboobnagar. Please let me know about what phase I am going through and when would things change to good? Also any remedies?

    Thank you.

  99. Hi Sir,
    My DOB is 060972 , time 1520 ,cochin, iam wearing blue sapphire now as this is the final phase of sade sati, is it ok that i wear this stone .Can i continue to wear even after the sade sati period, if not what other stone i should wear

  100. Harihar Bharatam

    Excellent summary of the phase. I am in the last 2.5 phase of Shani period, which you say is the most harshful. In another section you say that the mid phase ' Shani Mahadasa ' is most harshful,which is a bit confusing.

    My star is Poorvaphalghuni born on 31st Jan 1964 in Chennai 23.25hrs. Moon sign : Leo.

    I must say I was not aware until recently that the previous 5 years was spent in Shani period. In fact, I am proud of my small achievements during the previous 5 years. I am now beginning to see some troubles and an indecisive nature. I am hoping to stay quiet and not do anything for the coming 2.5 yrs even while I am showered with good opportunities. I am spending time meditating and performing Shani mantras. Do you think I should take a plunge at the opportunities and move jobs or stay where I am and let the phase pass.

    Any predictions and advice will be gracefully received.


  101. Dear Sir,
    I am Mahalakshmi Prasuna, I was born on 26th December 1980 in Nellore in Andhra Pradesh, uttarashada 4th padam. Could you please let me know when my Elinati Shani starts and what are its effects on me? which stage is difficult? will it effect my chaild or spouce? do i face any finacial troubles or relationship troubles with spouce? could you please suggest the remidies.

    Thank you,

  102. Hello Sir,
    My details are
    Name: Ramandeep Singh
    DOB : 01st oct 1970
    Time : 0030 hrs (just after midnight of Sept 30th)
    Place: Batala, Punjab, India

    Would appreciate if you can provide me details about my sade sati period.

  103. Dear sir,

    My DOB is 24/11/1978 , 11:03 AM, Buxur (Bihar).
    As I am in Shani Saade Sati phase, and it has entered 3rd phase what should I do to reduce its effect.


  104. Hi,
    My birth details - 23 aug 1979 4.45am nagpur,maharashtra.
    can you please let me know how is my career?in which field i can be successfull and can remain stable.and when will i get such job?

  105. Dear Sir,

    my name is debashish
    born on 17 may 1985, 6.38 pm, bandel, near kolkata ... have completed my M.Sc in stem cell biology but havent got into a job yet... it has been almost 6 mnths ... i dont know what is happening .... talk with companies start very positively and they end nowhere .... sir it would be very kind of you if you help me on this ....

  106. Dear Sir,

    My birth details is 3 April 1969 @ 12:05 p.m., Borsad, Gujarat, India. Could you please tell me about my sade sati period. when I will have good time , I have been suffering since 2006.

  107. Respected Sir,
    My birth details - 27 June 1977 1.20am Kharagpur,West Bengal.
    Can you please let me know how is my career?

  108. hello,
    i am married.
    my dob:04/09/1982 born in trichur,kerala.
    could you please tell me whether i have kemadruma yoga? also, when is the good time
    for having children. cant it be found from horoscope.

  109. Respected sir,
    my dob is 19-9-1971/F, at4:15am in amalner jalgoan(kandesh)maharashtra.
    presently i am going through my worst phase of life,many a times iam very distrubed (which is unusual for person like me).but now i have lost my paitence,and strongly feel that this has to end somewhere,b"coz i cannot carry myself any further
    So pls help and guide me.
    thanking u

  110. Hi, my DOB is 02/06/1979,Bangalore, 3.30 AM,
    I have been suffering a lot since the past 7 years, let me know when things will change

  111. Dear Sir Namaskaram,
    I am simha rasi,dhanus lagna, the last 21/2years have been very very bad lost job and all money,will there be any imporvemnt in my status I am in the Gulf looking for a job.Thank you David Abishegham

  112. Namaskaram Iam David DOB 20 sep1960 vellore 1400hrs,simha rasi and dhanus lagna, life has been so difficult the last 21/2years lost good job in the gulf and lots of money also, currently am in the gulf will Iget a good job.thank you sir

  113. Sir,

    DOB 12 Sept 1957
    Place of birth: Tanjore, Tamil Nadu.
    Time: 7.15 p.m.

    Please, i would like to know if there will be a positive change in the near future? I seem to be going through a hell of a time - almost all that you have stated above from job loss, strained relationships, financial losses, deaths, wrongly accused etc. Am fighting things patiently right now but would like to know if there will be an end to this phase? Thanks.

  114. my dob is 4July1979. Can you pls tell my sade sati period. Is is Bad or relaxed?

  115. Hi

    My DOB is 11th March 1985 at 0117 hrs in Mumbai. Could you please tell me when will shani affect me.


  116. hi

    my dob is 22/02/1989
    place of birth is bhopal(MP)
    time of birth is 03:33pm
    I'm undergoing through the last phase of sade sati.. i'm wearing pearl along with red coral ...are these suitable for me ryt now, espically when i'm undergoing through such a miserable period!! i've already suffered a lot and don't want to take risk any more...i want my life to be peaceful like it was before 2005..please reply soon...

  117. Hi, thank you for doing what you do. I have stumbled upon your site and ask humble advice in your most appreciated oasis. Dob is 9-18-1959 in Huntingdon, PA (USA) at 4:34am. In 2003 my brother died at 48. My only other sibling passed in 2006 as did my father. My niece killed herself at age 27 on this date in 2006. I inherited my fathers estate, got divorced in 2008 and had to move from my home of 20 years. My health has not been good for several years. Do you have any idea when things may improve for me? Thank you very much an I wish to say a star only needs a little piece of the sky to shine. You shine bright. Sincerely Vickiy


  119. Dear Sir,
    Born on 27 sept 1976 in udupi at 9:38 am... could u please tell me abt sade sathi and i am planning to migrate to canada or australia..will i?


  120. Hi everybody,

    Just face life , dont seek shorcuts, take things as it comes if you have to die die dont complain as you are born to die

  121. Hi, My DOB is 3rd Sept 1978 ..
    TOB : 5.58 am ,
    Place of birth is Rourkela,Orissa.

    What is saadesati effect on me ? I am undergoing a sever depression of my life..When things will be better? When will I get married and what kind of marriage it would be

  122. Hi Ramandeep Singh

    You are into middle phase of Sade Sati. Shani is neecha take care of your friends circle during this phase. Some problems due to siblings may also arise. Chant Hanuman Chalisa and Worship Hanuman and reduce the intensity of its effect.

  123. Hi Buxur,

    Sade Sati is in third Phase. No need to worry things will become much comfortable from June 2010.

  124. Hi Sonali,

    Suitable career is Computer programming, Designing. Good period is from Feb 2011.

  125. Hi Debashish,

    Guru is neecha in Lagna current antar dasha is of Jupiter till april 2010. Your job trials will succeed after april 2010.

  126. Hi Pinnel,

    You are into long period of transformation. Tough period till the end of 2011. Shani is neecha can damage your image during this period worship hanuman to gain back your confidence.

  127. Hi Eternal,

    Everything looks good till the end of 2010. Good rise in career during this period with better opportunities.

  128. Hi Jalgaon,

    You have very bad planetary placement. You always have ill luck and your future is struck. You must wear a Diamond and Blue Sapphire. Things go better in life from 2013.

  129. Hi Bangalore,

    Looks better from Feb 2010

  130. Hi David,

    Saturn is placed in Lagna and spoiled everything during sade sati. Saturn is transiting tenth house from Lagna so still there will be dissatisfaction in Career till 2012 but some opportunities will be available in the current period. Mar-Dec 2012 is very good for rise in Career look for independent set up during that period.

  131. Hi Tanjore

    Please check your birth data. There is no effect Sade Sati on you. Better period has started from 2009 according to given birth data.

  132. Hi Mumbai,

    Your Sade Sati period has started from September 2009. Peak period is between 2012 to 2014.

  133. Hi Roopal,

    Your gems are suitable to your horoscope if you want you can wear Yellow sapphire also. Directional change is indiacated form December 2010. Peak effects are Sade Sati is over.

  134. Hi Vicky,

    Saturn in fifth house spoiled your life. You have experienced all bad events in your life during Sun Maha Dasha. All malefic planets are focussing on your second house. Saturn aspect on these planets brought sorrows.

    Sun is your Ascendant lord but became Marakesh due to second house placement and also bad planetary influences. Hence the period of six years has become fatal to your family.

    Now you are into Moon Maha Dasha since October 2008. Take care of your health. My suggestion to you is wear good quality yellow sapphire and a Red coral so things will improve. These two gems can give you better peace in your life.

  135. Hi Amit,

    You have not provided your birth place still I could derive your chart with the curiosity of understanding your trouble. I think your birth place is Bhopal(MP).

    Shani is neecha and placed in upapada. Shani is aspecting upapada lord and tenth lord. This shows a partner who brings sorrows in your life, damages your career, public life, image in the society.

    You need to fight with your partner along with your in laws. Your children may also be part of this battle. Saturn will give your separation during its transit in libra.

    Most of inherited property, joint assets will also be dragged into this issue. The mental pressure will be very high during 2012 to 2013. This will rise serious mental tensions at your home also. You will be separated from your wife in 2013.

    Wear a Blue Sapphire and Diamond.

  136. Hi Reshma,

    You have a strong desire to go to foreign country. You will migrate don't worry about sade sati much.

  137. Hi puspita,

    Sade Sati effect will slowly diminish and you will recoup. Inter Caste or Inter religion love marriage is visible. Some trouble during marriage is inevitable. You will get married in 2011.

  138. Hi Sir,

    I really like your article about Elinati Sani , My husband Is simha rasi (26.09.1981 ,7.50Am)
    he is in search of job now ..can u tell us when can we get out of this situation..


  139. Hello sir....
    u said that directional changes are indicated from Dec 2010...
    I din't understood...Can u elaborate it??

  140. Hi sir..thanx for replying...u said that directional changes are indicated in DEC 2010.Can u elaborate it??

  141. My Name is K (MALE), DOB 11.9.69 TOB between 12AM - 4AM early morning POB London. I am having an extremely bad time in my personal life, marriage and business. I understand I am in Sade Sati currently and am facing losses and having to borrow money from Family members to pay to Creditors. Everything was rosy upto 2004/5, will I get out of this mess and when bcos I need my life back. I go to Shani Mandir every Saturday and donate Mustard oil and Whole Urid but nothing seems to be working Why? what have I done to deserve this ? Your reply advice will be highly appreciated

  142. Thanks a lot for the information and your valuable time.


  143. my name is shantanu,
    born 7th april 1982
    time 23:10
    i am really going though lot of troubles now, is that coz of sade sati

  144. Hi Harihar,

    My Name is Mitesh
    DOB:05th July 1981
    Birth time: 10:10 am
    Birth Place: Adipur, Kutch (Gujarat)

    Currenly i am passing through a bad time. Have got to know from my mom that i am in the 2nd phase of sade sati n 3rd phase will start from May 2010 which will bring improvement in all aspects of my life. Would like to know is it true?

    Thx & Rgds..

  145. Hello Sir,

    My name is Srivamsi Dandamudi and my D.O.B is 10th Sep 1987, my time of birth is around 6:30 am (at about sunrise), can you please take the time to elaborate on the effects of sani on me at present and the near future.

  146. My name is Anand.Born on 26/9/1986 at 18.54pm in Mumbai.How is the time for me now with regards to education.Will i get seat in 2010 for MBA.

  147. Hi Pallavi,

    You have not provided the birth place. I took it as Kolkata if it is so he will get a job by June 2010. He could get a foriegn assignment in the next couple of years.

  148. Hi Roopal,

    I mean to say that you will enter into Rahu Maha Dasha by that time. It will be pretty good for you as Rahu is placed in own sign and own Star.

  149. Hi K,

    Your Lagna is Cancer. Saturn is debilitated in tenth house which is causing troubles in business as well as damaging your reputation. Initial period of Rahu Maha dasha is also added to your pressure in terms of serious financial difficulties
    Your good period will start from mid of 2010 and will continue till the end of 2012 which will help you reshape your confidence as well as your surroundings.

    Worship Lord shiva and goddess Durga instead of going shani mandir. Recite 'Om Namah Shivaya" and Durga Sahasranama as remedies.

    If you are not wearing any gem Wear Yellow Sapphire and Red Coral without any delay. Forget what you had in 2004 and look at your current resources to build your future.

    Rahu maha dasha is currently running. Rahu is strongly placed in his own sign will help you in your future by giving sudden surprises so don't worry work hard for a better future.

  150. Hi Mitesh,

    You may be living in a foreign country. Your Sade Sati is in the last phase. Not much of harm for you. Your good period will be from April 2010 which will help you in all aspects more specifically in your Career.

  151. Hi Anand,

    Your generally don't enjoy good luck. You always come across misfortunes in life. Control your tendency towards relationships. Current period is good to join MBA make it happen by September 2010.

  152. Dear Visitors,

    I have left some queries without replying due to insufficient birth data. I request the querents to submit complete birth details so that I could respond.

    Please provide Time of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Birth without missing.

  153. Anand
    Thank you for having taken out time to solve my query.
    Hope Its possible for me to get into a good B school by sep 2010.

  154. hello sir

    thanx a lot for replying!!!

  155. Hello Harihar,
    I very much appreciate your time that you spent on replying to my query (you replied on March 15 2010). My question was on my Saade sati period and you mentioned that i am in middle phase and shani is in Neecha. I have 3 questions:
    1. How long is this period going to persist ? when can one expect good times to start?
    2. is any gemstone recommended ?
    3. what effect these phases have on job and career?
    Thanks again and I sincerely appreciate your time and effort.
    Ramandeep Singh

  156. Thank You Sir,

    yes i forgot to mention my hubby's birth place, it is kurnool 26.09.1981 time 7.30 am.

    wt stage does ellinati sani is ther ,
    do we have to do any remides for slow down ,We r into very bad phase financially....give some remides sir,
    will wait for your valuable reply .

    Even i'm into that Ellinati sani too i think, my birth date is 15.10.1982, time 6.30, place kadapa.


  157. hi sir,

    i am madhu(male) dob 26march1975 time 16.30 place:rajahmundry (south india)

    could u tell me my future and job and carrer

  158. hello sir

    Place of Birth:Bhopal(MP)

    U said that peak effects of sade sati is over..
    But after 9th sep 2009,m having highly difficult time which is very similar to the one i had during first phase of sade sati..Why is this so?? When will all my problems be solved??

  159. Hello Sir,
    Again i made a mistake .... i haven't sent my time of birth its 6.30 Am (Kanya Rasi)Sorry for that.

    One more request Sir..i want u to write an article on "Difference between Moon-Sign and Sun-Sign"....for example i was born on 15.10.1982.. my Sun-sign is Libra and Moon-sign is Virgo(Kanya Rasi) wt Horoscope should i fallow??..


  160. I am greatful to you for spending your valuable time to answer the queries .
    As you rightly pointed out that, as per my details(my dob is 19-9-1971/F, at4:15am in amalner jalgoan(kandesh)maharashtra),i do have hard luck personally and professionally.but ironically beinging from medical profession ,we mostly need luck to favour i would like to ask you is
    1>there any way to increase my chances of sucesses
    2>will i ever have professional stability ,if yes then when is possibility to start
    3>last important query is there chance of higher studies in near future?
    I am deeply sorry to bother you again,but in this phase i would like to some advice from genuine person.
    Thanking You

  161. Hi Harihar,
    My name is Manjula, DOB:- 02/JUNE/2009
    TIME:- 3.30 AM
    Place of birth:- Bangalore
    Please let me know when good things will come into my life

  162. Hi Sir..

    I If u can look into my situation...would realy thankfull to u.

    My name is Mitesh Patel DOB is july 19th 77.

    Moon raasi is simha and sunsign is Cancer....And birth place is surat ,Gujarat,India and birth time is 11.00 am.

    My qestion is if ever i will see good time in my life ? I mean i had gone through so many things in life so far specially last 6-7 years were like living hell and i see no end in sight !! i figured out that i'm going through shani sade sati ..and seems like in last phase but still 2 more years of it to go !!
    my career/business totaly destroyed..had marriage in 2004 which lasted only about few months and then ended up in divorce ...infact i never had any married life so far except few months..and than i move out country for job and got long distance divorce on phone !! whenever i think things will improve and get better but cruel destiny always 4 steps ahead of never ever anything happens according to my plane !!

    so can u please look into my kundali....if there is any chance of happy marriage and good life at all !!

    thanks a lot for ur time.
    Hare Krishna.

  163. Hi,

    My Name is Ravi Sharma , And i was In year 1981, January 27 at 11 am. In Sitamarhi , Bihar . India. Can U let me know , I believe i am in My Saade Sati and It repucation

  164. Hello Harihar,

    Thanks for your reply & time devoted...


  165. Hi Sir,

    Thanks a lot for ur valuable time & effort.

    You suggested me to wear Read Coral & Pearl.Please let me know of which finger of
    which hand I should wear it & of how much roti.

    I have few more questions that is why I am again giving you by Birth Details----

    DOB - 02.06.1979
    Time - 6.38 PM
    Place - Kolkata
    Day - Saturday

    1.Can you pls suggest me when good time will satrt for me in all sphere of my life(career & personal life)?

    2. How will be my married life?

    3.Is there any scope of foreign tour?

    4.What will be my monetory condition?

    5.Somebody suggested me to wear cats eye? Is it required at all?

    Thank you again.


  166. Hi Madhu,

    Good fortune after Marriage. You might be in Computer Programming. Future looks pretty good for another three years with good success.

  167. Hi Roopal,

    Your Moon is pretty close to Virgo. You will slowly see the change towards the end of the year. Saturn transit into Virgo is much better than Leo for you.

  168. Hi Pallavi,

    You husband has a weak and afflicted Mars. He has to worship Durga. There could be trouble due to his siblings as well as friends. Saturn will give rise during his current transit. Good period started since November 2009.

    He can wear an Emerald and Blue Sapphire.

    Both of you Kalsarpa yog in your charts. Get the dosha nivaran pooja done. You can also wear Blue Sapphire and Emerald. Some good things will happen to both of you in the near future.

  169. Hi Sneha,

    You are natural hard worker and more often you want put more efforts in your work place. Unfortunately Lagna is under papa kartari hence plenty of difficulties and obstruction for you to grow. For the fructification of your efforts towards success and improve your fortune wear Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.

    Some positive change in Career by the end of May 2010. Professional stability is not an issue, you should not involve in fighting at your work place.

    Business attempts will be futile. Higher education is possible which is more of spiritual from the fag end of 2014.

  170. Hi Manjula,

    Provide proper birth details.

  171. hello sir

    thanx 4 replying !!!! :)

  172. HI HARIHAR,

    you said my future looks good for the coming 3 years but actually from oct 2009 my situation is too worst. salary cut happen from oct 2009 and lost my job in feb 2010. can u pls tell me the future for my better days to come madhu(26-03-75) tine:16.30 rajahumundry(south india)


  173. Hi Sir,

    I'm a Nov 15th 1976 , 7:20am born girl. Please advice about my saade sathi effects and its remedy.Thanks in adv.

  174. My name is M R NAGARAJA RAO. Dob: - 03/11/1967, Place - Konanur, Hassan District, Karnataka, Time - 07:16 AM, I have recently resigned my job and looking for opportunities in biz or an Employment opportunity. can you pls. comment.

  175. Hi Harihar,
    I was born on 2 April,1980(09.55pm) at Kolkata ,West Bengal.I think my sade sati period started on September 2009.According to my family Astrologer,my Lagna is scorpio and janma rasi is Tula.Could you please tell something about my professional.I am working as a software developer.

    Thanks & regards

  176. Hello Sir,
    Loads of thanks,truly appreciate your advice

  177. Hello Sir... thanks a lot for the reply .


  178. Hello Sir I am K. ( You replied to me on 24.3.10 @ 1.44am )Thanks for giving me your valuable advice, but I am now confused: Am I under Sade Sati ? Is my Moonsign Leo or Cancer ? My Problems are getting worse, Can't Sleep, don't feel like talking to anyone, just feel stuck every way. I try to sleep at night and pray that I don't wake up, that is how I feel. I have a Wife and 2 young boys who keep me going but for how long long can I deny them going out with them, spend some money on buying them something to make them happy, I can't even do that for my small (8yrs and 13yrs) kids, how long will I have to make excuse every time they ask me for something and say next time next time ? Sir please give me advice what to do I am prepared to do anything if it helps my situation. I go to Shani Temple every Saturday bcos I was told by Priest, he said I am in Sade Sati final stage and I should donate Mustard Oil and Urid every saturday, after this I go to Durga Mandhir, pray to Ganeshji, Shivaji, put milk on shivling, pray to Hanumanji but why am I not improving ? I don't frink, I am Vegetarian, don't smoke or anything like that but still I am punished. You say it should be better Mid 2010, can I ask you which month ? I was wearing Golden Sapphire for last 10 years but the stone fell out of Ring and got lost last Month (MAR 10 after my post to you) and I am also wearing Blue Sapphire.You mention Red Coral, which hand & finger should I put it on ? and which metal to put in ? Your Urgent help will be appreciated please.
    Thank you K

  179. Hi Harihar my name is Ninder (Male) DOB 12 July 1968 TOB 12.15pm (afternoon) POB Birmingham UK. I am having quite a tough time at the moment through no fault of mine. I have been in family business since 1990 and I done everything for my Father, my brother came into the business after University around 1997. My thoughts were that he would take our business to next stage and increase business. His idea's were good but took on too much loans and debts and now I regret everything I done. He is my younger Brother and I thought he will do right thing. Since the last 4-5 years we are going bakwards and have cash flow problems all bcos he has been doin the business at loss and losses have caught up with us. I am very anxious to take everything back from him immediately but he has loan payments, other instalments and we are paying out more than income coming in. I am extremely angry with him to put my Parents and my family in this situation and just want to kick my Brother out but I feel there is somethings which he still keeping secret from the family what should I do. His dOB 11.9.69 TOB 3am POB London. Are my stars working against me or his ? should we work together or separate ? I underatand I am in Shani Maha Dasha from 07-2019 is this OK or not ? I am religious person, I go to Shani Mandhir every saturday, donate Mustard Oil and Urid and then go to Mata Mandir as well. so what am I doing wrong ? Please help me, guide me to improve everything Thanks in advance Ninder

  180. Hi Harihar,
    My name is Manjula, born on 2nd june 1979, timings morning 3.30, saturday.
    I am having a difficult time with my married life, Please advice

  181. My name is Kedar. DOB 1st June 1996.1-6-1996. Mumbai evening 6:57 PM .I am in 9th std. I am not doing too well in studies. Will I be an engineer but I am not scoring well in PCM. Will I do good in studies or not?

  182. Hi Mitesh Patel,

    Your Upapada is falling in Gemini which indicates two marriages. You will have a good second marriage. You will have a good marital life with your second marriage. You also have kalsarp yog which gives you hardships in the initial half of life and gives rise in the second half of life.

    You got into good period from April. Marriage will be after July 2011. Some issue related to your old parter could resurface before july 2011.

  183. Hi Ravi Sharma,

    As you believe you are into first phase of Sade Sati. It is just the beginning. Take care of your health the trouble is more in that area for you.

  184. Dear Harihar
    dob: Dec 26, 1964
    Place: Mangalore
    tob: 8.45pm

    Questions: Why will I get a good paying and fullfilling job, and when will my business gain momentum

    Thank you for time


  185. Hi Harihar

    DOB:June 8th 1981
    Place of Birth: Hyderabad;AndhraPradesh
    Rashi:Simha Rasi
    Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni.

    Could you tell me how is the near future going to be?Esp this year 2010..


  186. Hi Madhu,

    Job loss is due to Sade Sati. But you will be able get a new job by June 2010. Job change is quite evident during the current dasa.

  187. Hi Harihar

    DOB:June 8th 1981
    Place of Birth: Hyderabad;AndhraPradesh
    Rashi:Simha Rasi
    Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni.

    Could you tell me how is the third phase going to be for me?And also please tell about the job prospects...


  188. Namaste Harihar Ji,

    Gender: Female
    DoB: 17-03-1984
    ToB: 9:55am
    PoB: Vijayawada(Andhra Pradesh)

    Going through tough times. When will I land up in a job? When will I get married? WIll I settle abroad?

    Thank You in Advance,

  189. Hi,
    My DOB 21 jan 1979
    Place of birth : Ujjain/MP/INDIA
    Time:10:27 AM

    Is i am in Sade sati dasha?? if Yes will it be good or bad phase.

  190. Hello Sir,

    I would like to know abt my marriage settlement.

    7th August 1976
    3.45 P.M.
    Ranchi, Jkharkhand.

  191. hi harihar,

    any ways thanks for the prediction.


  192. Dear Sir,My DOB-05/01/1978,
    Rashi: tulas,Nakshtra:Vishaka.
    An Iin Sade sati period?when did it start and when is it going to complete.and what are the effects and remedies.Thank you

  193. Hi Sir,

    I'm a Girl , Nov 15th 1976 , 7:20am born in bangalore. Please advice about my saade sathi effects and its remedy.Thanks in adv.

  194. i m great tension please help me!!!!!!!!!

    my name is nitin.
    i m 22-6-1988 born in evening last year engineering student and i m in depression it is told by an astrologer that i m going through period of sade sati.

    i m getting less than what i deserve in carreer front and even my mind is not stable

    please i hav heard it has 3 phases of 2.5 yrs please can u tell me what will happen within this period with me

  195. hi harihar
    i m 22-6-1988 born arund 7 pm going through sade sati please i m under great depression
    i hav heard that its has 3 phases of each 2.5 yrs
    please help me
    tell me what will the effect in each phase on me.

  196. hi hariharji

    i m nitin from ambernath
    i m 22-6-1988 born going through sade sati
    i m in great depression .i m last yr ngineering student n not gettin what i deserve
    please help me
    i have heard it has three phases of 2.5 yrs

    please explain me what will be circumstances in these 3 phases on me.
    it is told to me that i first 2.5 yrs are over

    please help!!!!!!!!!

  197. hi hariharji
    i m nitin keenly waitin for ur REPLY
